サンウェルはインド タミル・ナドゥ州のジャパンデスクに任命されました
サンウェルは22年11月25日にチェンナイで開催された国際会議TECHNICAL TEXTILEにおいてタミル・ナドゥ州政府と日本におけるプロモーション活動に関する覚書を取り交わし、ジャパンデスクに任命されました。今後は同州と日本の発展、躍進のために、より積極的に貢献していく予定です。
3. 日本とタミル・ナドゥ州の製造業における能力開発プログラムの推進


中央:ハンドルーム及びテキスタイル大臣 R.ガンジー氏
中央右:弊社CEO ユガナンダン
中央左:弊社取締役 上野 周雄

中央:在チェンナイ日本国総領事 夛賀 政幸氏
中央右:弊社CEO ユガナンダン
中央左:弊社取締役 上野 周雄
Sunwell has been appointed Japan Desk for Tamil Nadu,India
Sunwell signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Tamil Nadu regarding promotional activities in Japan at the recently concluded TECHNICAL TEXTILE international conference held in Chennai on 25 November 2022 and was appointed the Japan Desk. We look forward to making valuable contributions for the development and progress of the Tamil Nadu and Japan:
- To promote the Japanese companies interested to invest in Tamil Nadu
- To promote those who are interested to have a technical collaboration with Japan and/ or Tamil Nadu
- To promote skill development program with Japan and Tamil Nadu industries.
Tamil Nadu is one of the fastest growing states in India, where many Japanese and foreign companies in the field of plant, automobiles and auto components, home appliances, textile products, etc., have established their firms and made remarkable progress. IT industry is also in the boom earning the state the nickname as second IT capital of India next to Bangalore.
If you are one among those who is highly motivated and willing to make a difference by setting up or expanding your business in Tamil Nadu, then please do contact us.

On TECHNICAL TEXTILE, the Tamil Nadu State Government and Sunwell sign an MOU.

Centre:Hon. Mr.R.Gandhi, Minister of Handlooms and Textiles of Tamil Nadu
Centre-right : Uganandan Subramanian, Sunwell CEO
Centre-left: Chikao UENO, Sunwell Director

Centre:Hon. Mr. TAGA Masayuki
Consul-General of Japan in Chennai
Centre-right: Uganandan Subramanian, Sunwell CEO
Centre-left: Chikao UENO, Sunwell Director