日曜あさの人気番組 TBS「がっちりマンデー!!〜日曜に勉強!月曜から実践!〜」の「儲かる!インド」テーマ回にサンウェルが登場します。エンジニアが来日した際のマンションの準備や家具の手配など、サンウェルの外国籍エンジニアへの充実したサポートについて詳しく取材していただきました。番組には弊社CEOのユガナンダン スブラマニヤン、プラント営業部部長の湖山 成基、インド出身のエンジニア、センチル クマールとそのファミリーが出演いたします。
It is privilege to share you that Sunwell is nominated for broadcasting in “Profitable! India” theme episode on the popular Sunday Morning program TBS “Gotchari Monday”!
Sunwell employs 400+ Foreign Engineers and serves for more than 100 clients in Japan for the last 10 years. Our offices are located at Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Utsunomiya, Shizuoka and Subsidiaries in USA, India, Vietnam, and Singapore.
The program also covers a great deal about SUNWELL’s extensive support for foreign engineers, which includes visa assistance, finding out apartments on engineer’s choice and furnishing it before their arrival in Japan, assigning a Support staff for each engineer who gives lectures on how to fill out administrative forms or other related documents, accompany them to the hospital in case of emergencies, and providing all support for their daily lives. Our CEO, Uganandan Subramanian, Songi Koyama, Manager of Plant Sales Department, and Indian engineer Senthil Kumar along with his family will be featured in the program.
The program will be aired on 12th March at 07:30 Japan time. Please do watch!
Official Site link: https://www.tbs.co.jp/gacchiri/